You can reach me at 6304409315
Well, today I would like to pamper you with a very nice and relaxing massage at my private and cozy place. The massage is a mix of deep tissue, thai and tántric style, at the rythm of the New age music on a mat flor, I know you will like it,I have been doing massage for few years already.
Please dont hasitage to contact me,but please at least 1 hr in advance time at 630 440 9315 and mention you found me here.
I will treat you with respect and I.will respect.your time too, so.please I hope to get the same
Session is 180 x 50 mins.
Thanks a lot and have a great day.
Sincerely Karlitha
- City : Chicago
- Poster's age : 38
- Mobile : 6304409315
- Address : Chicago, US