Thu 02 Jan
SiMPLY THE ((BEST!!)) TiGHT & JUiCY PoRN SKiLLS **32/24/37** (THE REAL DEAL) Great Reviews! - 19
(Independence Incalls)
_________ All American Southern Blonde ___________ - 25
Petite Sexy Blonde Elite Entertainer Available for Upscale Gentlemen - Secret Sexy Encounter Today! - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Independence/Beachwood/Twinsbu)
★ PERFECT ★ ★ CURVY ★ ★ BLONDE ★ - 24
!! Pure Perfection !!!!! Pure Pleasure !!!! Satisfaction GUARANTEED !!!!! 70 !!! - 26
♥NEW█▒ ╠╣OT █▒ █▒ ╠╣OT █▒ ╠╣OT ▒▒█ ♥ S—E—X—Y BLONDE READY TO PLEASE! █▒ ...
(Cleveland, Independence)
NEW playmate in the city - 25
(Cleveland, Independence)
New Talent... Total tofft Material..... Take a look!!! Tofft Material... - 25
(Independence Incall)
NEW....neW..... ..*****Exotic Brunnette****** H (o)TTIE - 23
(♥ Beachwood, Independence)
{{ NEW PICS }} ThE pErFeCt ToUcH !! ╚».° {{ MaGiCaL SkiLLs }} *I mAkE YoU FeeL ExTrA SpEcIaL* - 21
HOttttt;StUNNing New MeDITerRANean brunette Here For youuu!!! Take A look xoxoxo - 22
I love BIG CARS & being told what to do & how ! Jess CALL ME! - 22
(Cleveland, independence INCALL)
iM BaCk bY PoPuLAr DeMaNd... LaSt DaY SpEcIaLs ~~ A bEaUtIfUl BlOnDe BaRbIe (((160))) SpEcIaLs - 22
(independence area)
💋✨ HURRY UP COME GET UR HE@D RIGHT 👄👅 ✨⭐️ (Sexy) ✨⭐️ (Ready) ✨⭐️ (Fun) ✨⭐️SATURDAY SP...
*¨¨*I can be your PLAYMATE*¨¨* - 20
(independence area)
iM BaCk bY PoPuLAr DeMaNd... visiting INdEpEnDeNcE ~~ A bEaUtIfUl BlOnDe BaRbIe (((150))) SpEcIaLs - 22
I want to PLEASE YOU!! Cleveland 10/18-10/19 - 38
(Cleveland, South of Cleveland)
@@hot new sexy miss thing @@@ - 19
(Cleveland, Independence in/outcall)
Girls ********* at Your Service, ***** cute & Sexy ****** - 24
(Incall Independence/Outcall Avail)
———————— —————————— —— Gorgeous ✯ Best Reviews On BP ✯ Upgrade Your Entertai...
(Cleveland, ———————— —iNDEPENDENCE 8OHh———————— ————)
good vibe good time.. best in town - 21
(Cleveland, independence)
Gεn†εℓmεn's Cho¡cε 🍯👅💦🙈K¡NkY FuN😈👯🙊 ↘eXotiicc↙💖❀💕 uℓtiℳαtε ℰϰ℘℮...
(Cleveland, independence)
gay police doing stings at the crown plaza independence ROOKIE police officers on duty - 99
(Cleveland, OUTCALLS)
* * GORGEOUS SiCiLiaN/ itALiAn * BUBBLE BOOTY * 4'9" 36d-26-46!!!!! 6*/1**/16* ((specials - 26
(Cleveland, CLEVELAND / independence * * INCALL ONLY)
GM Tue newvid/pic talian/athletic RN skill honest sensual reviews 34DDD 25 36 massage/bodyrub/escort - 36
(Cleveland, cleve independence & airport)
😘 💋 GABRIEL 💋 BiG BOOBiE L❤ VERS ◆ 😘; - 21
(Cleveland, 😘 INDEPENDENCE incall)
Fri /Sat holiday relief 34DDD 25 36 Italian sesnsual escot&massage; reviews pic/vid verifiable70/100 - 36
(Cleveland, cleve s independence)
* * GORGEOUS SiCiLiaN/ itALiAn * BUBBLE BOOTY * 4'9" 36d-26-46 !!GreAT ReViews 1@@ (specials) - 26
(Cleveland, CLEVELAND / independence * * INCALL ONLY)
Fri Toni ss 50 70hh requested reviewed.honest clean fun .play w 34ddd.&butt.; - 36
(Cleveland, cleve s independence)
G*O*R*G*E*O*U*S /// _ Petite ☆ LAST DAY IN TOWN ☆ Playmate=== /// B*R*U*N*E*T*T*E - 23
*** G I V I N G M Y V E R Y B E S T *** Intimate, sensual, amazing all natural bod! - 28
(Airport, Independence, downtown)
***Gina gorgeous busty brunette*** - 26
♡ ( G O O D ★GiRL ★B @ D★ HABiTS ) C@l!fORNiA CUT!3 ♡ CHOCOLATE GODDESS - In Independence - 21
(Cleveland, Independence and Surrounding area)
✄ ✄ ✄Cut Out The Rest & See Why Brooke Lopez Is The Best!!!!!! - 20
(Independence**&**Surrounding Areas)
CUM ~* N ~* GET ~* U ~* SUM ~* OF ~* MOCHA!! Wet & Ready!! 24/7 - 21
(Willoughby, Independence, Fairlawn)
♥♡♥DOminican & BLACK BArbie 100% satISFaCTIOn! ♥♡♥-out NEW PICS ! - 22
Diamond in the rough COUGAR - 48
(Cleveland, Clev/Richfield/Independence area)
...CSU STUDENT with a WILD SIDE! 2164214133.. ASK about FREE special - 20
Dont Trick Youself Treat Youself To Me!! Special $120 All Day And Night!! - 25
(Cleveland, Independence or Outcall/ur place)
*dOmOnIqUe* sExY iTaLiAn PrInCeSs *60/80/150 sPeCiAls ToDaY oNlY* gReAt ReViEwS * - 21
(Cleveland, independence)
...CSU STUDENT with a WILD SIDE! 216-848-8087.. ASK about FREE special - 20
~* CUM *~ N *~ ENJOY!!! THE ~* SWEET ~* TASTE ~* OF ~* MOCHA ~*~ *~24/7 limited time - 21
(Willoughby, Independence, Fairlawn area)
B€YØND YØUR W¡LD€§† DR€ÂM§ °° CØM€ SeE M€( 1ØØ% ME!) °°§P €C¡ÂL§ ÂLL DÂy - 18
(Cleveland, Independence/ incall /outcall)
🍫🍭🍬 Carmel Delight......big booty👅treat🍫🍭🍬💋 - 21
(Cleveland, independence off77)
❤️❤️ BoOty LoVeRs #1 PiCk 💎💎 ViSiTiNg AvAliABlE NoW 🍑🍑 EXOTIC 100% REAL VIDEO VIXEN!💋💋 Up Late...
~~~~ CaLL Me * TeXt Me * TwEeT mE * bUzZ mE * bE sOcIaL * sEnD Me A sTaTuS uPdAtE ~~~~ - 21
(Independence / In-Outcall)
Brazilian bombshell Pietra - 33
All N!GHT ::::: H@RD ::::: ON JU!cY L!p$ BIG SofT BOOTIe Ts GIRL )) SoFt CLEAN & SAFE )ALL DUEDS !! - 22
Are These Other Girls Worth Your Hard Earned Money? - 21
(Westside Cleveland)
=== >> ==== ~**~ EXOTIC sEdUcTiVe BOMBSHELL ~**~ ===
♪ Sweet & Petite ♪ - 22
(Cleveland, Independence)
-> -> -> Look Here
(Cleveland, Independence)
~ ~All the way from Dallas Tx ~ ~ Sophisticated Woman ~ ~ 35 ~ ~ Independece area - 35
(Cleveland, Independence / incall only)
♡ All Natural ♥ Dirty Blonde **** ♡ Well Reviewed & Accurate Pics ♥ - 178509 - 24
(Cleveland, Independence)
10 Reasons Why You Should Use Me As Your ASP!!!!! - 22
(Independence Incall)
~~~~~~ 100% independent ASIAN ~~~~~~ very petite !! ~~~~~ 2 days only ~~~~~~ - 20
(in/out 247 upsacle independence)
100% REAL & 100% FUN ---- BLOnDe BaDgiRL!!! - 23
(Cleveland, Independence)
100% Real Photos.College Bombshell ..(702) 900 4034 - 24
(incall/outcall (independence))
100% Real! Ask for links to reviews! - 19
(Cleveland, independence)
Well Established Upscale Female Owned Agency Now Hiring! Gain financial independence - 35
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, National)