Awaken To Your Ecstasic Masculine With Dr.Dagny

Posted : Wednesday, January 08, 2025 01:34 PM | 9 views

Heal the World from Your Bedroom With Sex Magic! Please understand this is much more than any silly rubdown..Now more than ever this planet, your world and your Lover needs men like yourself to be in their Awakened Masculine.Now is not a time to panic,it is a time of celebration and pivotal changes in the way you view your sexuality... Did you know that how you penetrate your woman is how you penetrate the world and what you can do to bring these together in integrity and potency? I invite all of you reading this to step up to the plate and embrace your role in the building and unfolding of this enlightened energy toward 2012? You most definitely will be a better man for it, living an expanded conscious, magical love life. Namaste' Dear Initiates, Welcome to Quantum Tantra, Sacred Sex for the new decade and Dr.Dagny B..I teach a very Ancient and Mystical practice of expressing and expanding your Sexual energy/life force, taught in a practical way...A Sacred Sexual Art and Spiritual Conscious Path for living vitally empowered and authentically alive..A set of lovemaking skills that go beyond pleasure, beyond ecstasy into BLISS.. Going much deeper and involving more than the physical body,these skills embrace your mind, heart, soul and magnetic body(Ka Body). What is it that I do? Firstly I'm a "Perception Shifter". I assist you in changing your perception which changes your attitude about your Sexuality.I educate and guide you thru secret ancient knowledge and experience, enticing you in taking your sexuality to a whole new level of mastery, intimacy and awareness! I delight in teaching one to understand, honor, identify and experience their erotic energy potential and live this now.. How do I do this, you may ask? Together we engage all aspects of yourself through: Healing Touch, flowing energy, ecstatic breath work,experiencing your road map to Ecstasy via the 7 chakras, breath of fire, elevating your sexual essence, holding sacred space for the feminine,, soul gazing, true ejaculation mastery,raising the bar on sexual libido,Sex Magic, designed uniquely for what troubles and challenges you. Special Introductory Offer For First Time..The perfect individual to see me would be someone who is fed up with all your tension and layers of armor built up in your body,guarding your heart from disappointments and emotional pain but sadly affecting deep intimacy and connection with loved ones, causing you to live in a very limited and conditioned way.You are now sincere and interested in Tantra and enlightened Sex as both a Gift and an Opportunity to liberate your Sexuality,freeing body,mind and soul. One Tantric Secret I will teach you: When you surrender, most experiences and events including intense pleasure wash over you without wiping you out. "Only when the front of your body is relaxed and open, your breath full and deep,and your gaze unguarded and directly connected with another's eyes, can your fullest intelligence manifest spontaneously." David Deida Take back your "Ancient Erotic Awakened Masculine"! Sexuality is your natural Gift and Divine State of Being. What you do with your Gift makes all the difference in the world. Waste it on the dark side or cherish it to wake up! Your choice.. I’ve taken 1000's on a delicious and mystical journey as a Sacred Sexuality Sage, Tantrika and Sacred Intimate for over a decade. I myself,have been on a unique Healing Journey inward connecting with my Divine Sacred Feminine for over 2 decades, studying with various renowned teachers and devouring 100’s of books and secret manuscripts as well as working with people from all over the world from students to doctors to even paraplegics.. You will find me to be Open hearted, intuitively gifted,nurturing,inspiring,enticing,wonderfully wise and a magical sensual Muse. 1.Learn to activate Serpent Power for Greater Wisdom,Clarity,and Intelligence. 2.Use Sexual Energy to create magnetic fields to strengthen and elevate your Ka body. 3.Explore why Adoration and Cherishing of your"Beloved" is crucial in sexual healing for both of you. My Vision for you: To have you leave feeling yummy and alive in your body, nurtured in your soul, empowered in your heart and highly mindful and conscious of your Sexuality in a much more expanded wholesome way then when you arrived. Rediscover how Magnificent, Passionate and Powerful you really are!I bring to you my feminine Gifts and my Passion for your wholeness! My accreditation's • Doctor of Divinity /Minister of ULC • Certified in Advanced Hypnotherapy/Past Life Regression • Certified in Human Sexuality Training • Certified in Levels 1 thru 3 of Ipsalu Tantra • Internationally renowned Sacred Sexuality Coach • Personal Magical Muse and Sensuality Sage. Be sure to read this before we meet> My sessions are truly an investment in your most precious time and valuable self. My donations that I suggest are not only a sacred exchange between us but benefit my charity and non profit work in flourishing so please give GENEROUSLY and GRACIOUSLY! I love to playfully connect with sincere loving individuals and couples who desire to develop and expand further,have the clarity and vision to imagine a juicy, intimate LOVE LIFE and the courage to take action to live it! "Dear Dr. Dagny, I had a wonderful experience with you today. As you recall, I came to visit you to rekindle my marriage. You taught me to be aware of myself and my needs and also what women really want. I will be eternally grateful." Mike in NY For much more knowledge and info go to my site: "" CELL may be a quicker way to reach me: 949)201-7337... Email at I would lovingly enjoy creating a special experience in order to immensely benefit and harmonize you. I come in light and love and ask that you do the same. massage thai la jolla,temecula rubmaps,mpreviews,erotic massage sandiego,escort massages near me,erotic massage san marcos,rubratings alternate,massage near me rub maps,rubmap sf,
  • City : San Diego
  • Poster's age : 23
  • Address : S. Orange County